• Mebook
  • 軟體版本 : 遇見伊索寓言
  • 軟體分類 : 108教育學習 (電子書)
  • 語言介面 : 繁體中文
  • 作業系統 : 請見說明
  • 軟體性質 : 共享軟體
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  • 建議售價 : NT:350
  • 檔案大小 : 959 KB
  • 點閱次數 : 8,801下載次數 : 1,061
  • 更新時間 : 2008/10/29 下午 04:46:32



From John



  1. A Lesson for Fools 愚人一課
  2. A Lesson Learnt Too Late 為時已晚
  3. The Reward of the Wicked 老天有眼
  4. Repayment in Kind 感恩圖報
  5. The Jackdaw Who Would Be an Eagle妄自尊大
  6. Getting the Worst of Both Worlds兩邊不討好的穴鳥
  7. Borrowed Plumes 打腫臉充胖子
  8. A Bird in the Hand 惜取眼前福
  9. Breach of Promise 言而無信
  10. The Victor Vanquished 驕者必敗
  11. A Different Point of View 立場不同
  12. Misplaced Confidence 防不勝防
  13. The Law of Self-Preservation 但求自保
  14. Look Before You Leap 三思而行
  15. Born to Trouble 製造麻煩
  16. Traitor's Death 叛徒的下場
  17. Cherishing a Viper 所愛非人
  18. A Case for Patience 耐心等候
  19. Friend or Foe? 是敵非友
  20. Sour Grapes 酸葡萄心理
  21. Actions Speak Louder than Words. 事實勝於雄辯
  22. Cut Off Your Tails to Save My Face! 截人之長,補己之短!
  23. The Fox and the Mask 狐狸與面具
  24. One-Way Traffic 有去無回
  25. Reaping Without Sowing 不勞而獲
  26. Taught by Experience 記取教訓
  27. The Fox Out-Foxed 道高一尺,魔高一丈
  28. It Is Quality Not Quantity That Counts 重質不重量
  29. Disarmed 繳械
  30. Third-Party Profit 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利
  31. A Bird in the Hand 二鳥在林,不如一鳥在手
  32. The Lion's Share 最大贏家
  33. A Companion in Fear 難兄難弟
  34. The Mighty Fallen 失勢者
  35. A Respecter of Persons 差別待遇
  36. A Plotter Out-Plotted 害人反害己
  37. The Wages of Treachery 背叛的代價
  38. Always in the Wrong 欲加之罪
  39. Kindness Ill Requited 以怨報德
  40. The Pot Calls the Kettle Black 半斤八兩
  41. A Communist Dictator 言行不一
  42. Delusion 假象
  43. A Case of Mistaken Identity 披上羊皮的狼
  44. Every Man to His Own Trade 謹守本分
  45. Forewarned Is Forearmed 有備無患
  46. Eating the Bread of Idleness 養而不教
  47. Reckoning Without His Host 順水人情
  48. Things Are Not Always W hat They Seem以偏概全
  49. Substance and Shadow 貪得無厭
  50. Lost to Shame 自曝其短
  51. Not Interested 事不關己
  52. Negotiating from Weakness 談判籌碼
  53. Second Thoughts 重新思量
  54. As Good as His Word 言而有信
  55. Pride Will Have a Fall 驕兵必敗
  56. Town Mouse and Country Mouse 家鼠與田鼠
  57. Slow but Sure 龜兔賽跑
  58. Once Bitten, Twice Shy. 上一次當,學一次乖
  59. A Waste of Good Counsel忠言逆耳
  60. Fools Die for Want of Wisdom 求智若渴
  61. Dead Men Tell No Tales 死無對證
  62. Doubly Disabled 雙重殘疾
  63. The Imitative Instinct 模仿天性
  64. A Clumsy Liar 自作聰明
  65. Look Before You Leap 慎思而行
  66. Ready for Action 礪兵以待
  67. Caught on the Blind Side 獨眼鹿
  68. A Breed of Faint-Hearts 怯懦天生
  69. The Punishment of Selfishness 自食惡果
  70. Save Us in the Time of Trouble 居安思危
  71. A Bad Bargain 得不償失
  72. The Patience of Fear 畏強懼弱
  73. Birds of a Feather 物以類聚
  74. Counting the Cost 得與失
  75. Too Clever by Half 聰明反被聰明誤
  76. Asinine Pride 自命不凡
  77. An Ass in a Lion's Skin (1) 披著獅皮的驢(1)
  78. An Ass in a Lion's Skin. (2)披著獅皮的驢(2)
  79. Know Your Limitations 自知之明
  80. We Get the Rulers We Deserve 如願以償
  81. One Is Enough 一個就夠
  82. A Voice and Nothing More 光說不練
  83. Making the Punishment Fit the Crim. 罪有應得
  84. Too Big for Her Skin 不自量力
  85. A Blood Feud 血海深仇
  86. Evil for Good 恩將仇報
  87. Cursed Above All Cattle 包藏禍心
  88. The Best Method of Defence 最佳防禦法 
  89. Vengeance at any Price 同歸於盡
  90. Men and Lions 人和獅子
  91. Misplaced Confidence 認敵為友
  92. Born Plunderers 天生惡人
  93. Try to Make a Silk Purse Out of a Sow's Ear. 望朽木成美器
  94. Friends Old and New 喜新厭舊
  95. A Bad Workman 技藝不精的工人
  96. A Prophet Without Knowledge 自身難保
  97. Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child. 玉不琢不成器
  98. God Helps Those Who Help 天助自助者
  99. Treasure Trove 葡萄園裡的寶藏
  100. Unity Is Strength 團結就是力量
  101. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed 患難之交
  102. Share and Share Alike 平均分享
  103. Much Wants More 貪多必失
  104. Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be Also 守財奴
  105. Seeing Is Believing 眼見為憑
  106. Plucked Clean 拔個精光
  107. Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire弄巧成拙
  108. Business First 興之所致
  109. One Swallow Dose Not Make a Summer. 一燕不成夏
  110. Fate 命中注定
  111. An Unseasonable Reproof 責備非時
  112. Use Is Everything 習以為常
  113. Crying Wolf Too Often 放羊的孩子
  114. A Philosophic Baldpate 禿子哲學
  115. Big and Little Fish 漏網之魚
  116. Fishing in Troubled Waters 混水摸魚
  117. Familiarity Breeds Contempt 少見多怪
  118. Self-Deception 自欺欺人
  119. Despise Not a Feeble Folk 狗眼看人低
  120. Example Is Better than Precept 身教勝於言教
  121. Proof Positive 前車之鑑
  122. Bearding the Lion 太歲頭上動土
  123. Beneath Notice 無足輕重
  124. Why the Ant Is a Thief 本性難移
  125. Go to the Ant, Thou Sluggard. (1) 未雨綢繆(1)
  126. Go to the Ant, Thou Sluggard. (2) 未雨綢繆(2)
  127. Bowing Before the Storm 量力而行
  128. A Fabled Flower that Fades Not 長命花
  129. Who Art Thou that Judgest? 怨天尤人
  130. Room for Improvement 吹毛求疵
  131. Honesty Is the Best Policy 誠實為上
  132. Mote and Beam 人錯與己過
  133. Blood-Suckers 吸血鬼
  134. The Gentle Art of Persuasion 勸說藝術
  135. Springtime and Winter 春天和冬天
From 曉騰國際股份有限公司 website


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